Trying to start a blog, but don’t have much extra time on your hands? Read this post for some practical tips and encouragement!

I recently received this question from a reader: “How do you find time to start and build your blog when you have a family and/or work full time?”
This is a common question I receive and a really good one to ask! If you want to start a blog, you have to find a way to make it fit into your life.
Here are my top 3 suggestions on how to start and build a blog when you don’t have much time:
1. Prioritize it.
If you want to start a blog or online business, you have to prioritize it. Just thinking, hoping, or wanting it to be a good idea won’t make it happen.
You have to decide and declare that building your blog is a priority.
This means making space in your life for it to be a priority and walking that out. You can also tell your family and friends so you have some accountability for your decision!
You might also have to convince yourself it’s a priority and that you’re worth pursuing something you’re passionate about.
It can be really easy — especially if you’re a mom — to push your dream of blogging to the back-burner when life gets busy.
But I want you to hear this loud and clear. I truly believe you will be a better wife, mom, friend, person (or fill-in-the-blank for whatever hats you wear) when you’re doing something that feeds your soul and uses your gifts and talents to bless other people!
Your dream is worth pursuing and prioritizing!
Psst! Need help starting a blog? Sign up for my free class on 3 Steps to Start That Blog You’ve Been Dreaming Of.
2. Plan for it.
Once you’ve decided to prioritize building a blog, you then have to come up with a plan to make it actually happen.
Prioritizing it in your mind is the first step, but then you have to plan for it on your calendar.
Look on your calendar and ask yourself when you have time to make it happen. Will you get up earlier, use your lunch breaks at work, carve out time each evening after your kids are in bed, or maybe work every weekend for a few hours?
When will building your blog actually happen? Look at your calendar and find a way to plan for it.
Once you decide on a schedule, be sure to put these blocks of time on your calendar. Then prioritize those blocks of time as if it’s a commitment to someone else or an appointment you can’t miss.
Don’t schedule over them or cancel the time with yourself. You’ll need to take those blocks of times seriously if you want to start a blog successfully.
3. Practice it.
Once you’ve decided to prioritize building a blog and then created a plan for it, you then have to put it into practice for it to become a habit.
And I’ll be straight with you…it’s hard at first. Learning something new and developing a habit can be rough. It won’t just happen overnight. That’s why it requires practice.
Think about how children learn to walk. Do they just wake up one day and know how to walk? No. First they start pulling themselves up, then they start standing up more, then they take a couple feeble steps with your help, then they slowly take a few steps on their own while continuously falling down, then they keep practicing it until it finally happens and becomes second nature.
In this same way, give yourself the permission to practice, fail, make mistakes, fall down, get back up, and learn from it. It’s part of the learning process.
Do it and keep doing it. The more you do it, the more it becomes a habit and the more it becomes something you do without thought.
Get up each morning for 30 minutes. Use each Tuesday and Thursday evening for your blog. Spend a couple hours at a coffee shop every single weekend. Whatever it takes — carve out that space, commit to it, and practice it over and over again until it becomes a habit and part of your routine!
Each morning, I walk on the treadmill. I had to first prioritize and plan for it. And then I practiced it for a really long time. And now it’s just part of my morning routine. I don’t even think about it. It’s like brushing my teeth. I don’t know how to not do it. If I don’t do it, my day feels completely out of whack.
It’s the same thing with blogging. You have to practice the skill of blogging and make it a priority in order for it to become something you just do!
I’ve blogged every day for 14 years. It wasn’t something that came natural at first. I had to work at it. Now the idea of not blogging each day would be so foreign to me! It’s just part of who I am and what I do!
And remember: Doing something is almost always better than doing nothing!! So even on those days you feel like you’re barely investing any time in your blog, you’re at least making some kind of small progress and that’s worth celebrating!
Psst! Want more tips on how to build a blog with limited time? Check out my post on how to build a blog in just one hour per day.
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