Ever wonder what you should do the first few months after you start a blog? I answer that question in today’s post:
Currently, I am considering the possibility of starting my own blog. For the past several weeks I have done TONS of research. So naturally, I was really excited when I saw your post about asking you questions about blogging.
I haven’t been able to find much yet in terms of tips or suggestions for once your blog is live (like the first couple of months). It seems like there is endless information out there about the logistics of getting the blog off the ground and running. And then, there is quite a bit of information out there for different ways to monetize your blog and make your graphics beautiful.
But, what I haven’t found very much of is strategy for your first couple months while your blog is just getting started. I would be curious to see more information (from you in particular) about what you would recommend a brand new blogger focus on in that first few months.
Quality content is obvious, but what marketing techniques would you recommend and what strategies would you use for optimum growth? -Alyssa
Great question, Alyssa! And I’m guessing you’re not alone in wondering what some of the first steps would be once you’ve actually started blogging. {If you’re still in the thinking of starting a blog stage, be sure to check out my comprehensive post here on How to Start a Blog & Make Money Blogging.}
I thought about this question — and especially back to my early days of blogging as well as to bloggers who have started in recent years and what I’ve watched them do. With this in mind, here are my top 3 recommendations for what you should do after you start your blog:
1. Blog Consistently
This is a must. Do not, I repeat, do NOT, start a blog, put up a few posts, and then disappear for days or weeks at a time.
If you want to do this blogging thing well, if you want to build a successful blog, if you want to make money blogging, you MUST be a consistent blogger.
Now, this does not mean that you need to put a post up at 8:01 EST a.m. every day like my amazing friend and virtual assistant, Andrea. (Though you are more than welcome to, if that kind of consistency is your thing!)
The consistency I’m referring to here is that you show up regularly. That people know they can count on you. That you treat blogging like you do a real job — because it totally can become that with consistency.
This might mean that you post an in-depth post every other week. Or, it might mean that you post every day. Or it something in-between or something entirely different.
But whatever you do, be consistent about it. Perseverance for the long haul is the key to success in blogging.
Blogging consistently every single day is a habit I developed years ago and the rewards have been far beyond what I could have ever dreamed or imagined! I love my blogging community. I love the amazing ideas shared. I love getting to learn from you. I love the encouragement I receive from my readers.
And our family is also grateful for the income blogging provides that gives us flexibility and the ability to pay cash for purchases, save for the future, and give generously.
None of these things would have happened had I started blogging and blogged faithfully for a few weeks and then fallen off the planet for weeks.
How Often Should I Blog?
Start and stop blogging — where you blog consistently for a few days and then go long periods without blogging and then blog for a few days in a row and then go missing again — is a surefire way to sink your blog. People will only show up consistently if you also show up consistently.
I encourage you to consider carefully what you can realistically commit to in regards to blogging and the time you have available to invest in it. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
Start out slowly — maybe committing to post 1-2 times per week, if that, and then gradually increase if you feel like that works for you. When it comes to blogging, quality content is almost always better than quantity content.
In addition, I encourage you to plan out post ideas for at least the first 6-8 weeks of blogging. This exercise will get your creative wheels turning and will help you to refine what your blog is about and determine whether or not you have enough content inspiration to write dozens and dozens of posts on those topics.
2. Experiment Strategically
It’s good to have a plan in place for where you want to go with your blog, but in order to make traction and figure out what works for you, you’re going to need to do a lot of experimenting.
It’s easy to go into Experimentation Overload mode… where you’re trying lots and lots and lots of ideas all at once. However, this is not only a recipe for burnout, it’s also going to inhibit you from really drilling down and learning what is working.
So rather than trying to implement 33 new ideas in the first 3 weeks of blogging, pick 1-2 ideas. Set some goals for those ideas, map out a plan for experimenting with those ideas, and then get to work!
Keep focusing on those 1-2 ideas for at least 3-6 weeks. Keep tabs on how effective the 1-2 ideas are. Are they bringing in more traffic? Are they increasing social media engagement? Are you getting good response via comments or emails?
Also, consider if implementing that idea is fulfilling to you. Do you love it? Hate it? Or somewhere in between?
It’s important to remind yourself often that what works for one person won’t always work for another. And that what one person loves, another person will loathe.
Your sweet spot in blogging is where you find what you love writing about/working on that also brings in traffic, engagement, and ultimately, income. However, please don’t compare your traffic, engagement numbers, and income earnings to someone else. Every blog is going to be different, just as every person is different.
It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game and become so focused on that that you lose sight of what you love or why you started blogging in the first place. Remember that all the traffic and engagement and income in the world isn’t worth it if you’re miserable in the process.
Do what you love and what works best for you. Don’t worry about what works for someone else or how much traffic they have or how much income they are bringing in.
It’s also good to realize that a successful blog and business is constantly growing and experimenting and changing as technology and blogging and the online space changes, expands, and morphs. The day you get stuck in a rut and refuse to keep growing and experimenting is the day your blog begins to die.
Be willing to fail. Jump out and try new ideas. Change up the way you post. Experiment with different voices and writing styles. Try video blogging or podcasting.
Read books. Watch other bloggers. Learn from them and be inspired by them, but always remember that it’s most important to be YOU.
You have a unique story and perspective that no one else on the planet does because you are the only you in existence. So be you, bravely.
Be okay with breaking the “blogging rules” if doing so means you are staying true to yourself. Be okay with having less traffic or making less income if doing so means you keep your integrity or have your priorities in place. At the end of your life, you won’t regret it.
3. Network Religiously
One of the best things you can do for your brand-new blog is to get to know other bloggers. Some ideas:
- Join Facebook groups with other bloggers.
- Leave well-crafted comments on other blogs.
- Reach out to bloggers via Twitter.
- Offer to write a highly-relevant and well-written guest post for a blog you love.
- Use hashtags on Instagram and find other folks who are interested in the same things you are.
- Comment on Facebook/Instagram posts of bloggers you love.
- Join Pinterest group boards and re-pin posts from bloggers you love.
- Write a blogger and tell them thank you without asking for anything from them.
Now, this list might seem really long and overwhelming… and it sort of is. Which is why I encourage you to just focus on the 1-2 networking-related goals like we talked about earlier.
You can’t do it all, but you can reach out a little. And a little bit of the right kind of reaching out can go a long way.
What do I mean by this? Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret.
Want to know the best way to develop relationships with other bloggers? Stop making it about yourself and what you can get from them.
It’s a huge turn-off to get pitches and requests from people again and again and again when they want nothing more than to just use you as a step stool for their own personal success and gain.
Instead of networking with bloggers for the purpose of what you can get from them, start looking for ways that you can give to other bloggers. Promote their links. Retweet their posts. Send them encouraging emails just because. Tell them thank you.
Truly show that you care about them as a person, not that you only care about what they can do for you. Expect nothing in return.
Let me tell you, because it’s so rare that someone reaches out and says thank you and gives without asking for anything in return, I take notice of it right away. And that’s how some of my best friendships and blogging relationships have been formed.
I’m so over the whole, “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” philosophy. I know how lonely and discouraging it can be when you are constantly hearing from people who are complaining or who want something from you.
As a result, I am always looking for ways to serve, celebrate, and give to others — without any strings attached! It’s so much fun and it’s so fulfilling. And bloggers genuinely appreciate it and often go out of their way to build a relationship with you as a result.
Some of these relationships have not only blossomed into deep friendships that have blessed my life in numerous ways, but they’ve also opened doors of opportunity that I never would have expected.
What is YOUR advice for Alyssa? Tell us in the comments!
Wow! What a great response, Crystal! I feel as those I learned quite a bit in what you said. I admit, consistency is not my strong suit. It seems I get easily distracted, or have another bright idea pop into my head and then I’m off and running in the other direction. After reading this post, I think I need to spend a day or two and figure exactly what it is I love, and what my passion is and focus solely on those one or two things. Thank you, Crystal, for replying to Alyssa’s question and posting it your reply for all to read. I can’t wait to learn more from you.
Thanks so much for your encouragement! I’m so glad that this post helped you!
Thank you, Crystal! I have been reading MSM since 2008. Your insights into saving money helped keep my family afloat during some very difficult times. Now, your new site: yourbloggingmentor.com is going to help me take the step and push post on my own blog. God has pushed me over the last several months to write. He’s giving me topics, sentences, Bible verses and more. Your new site has helped me feel more confident about really taking the steps required to open my blog. Thank you for helping those of us out here to do the work we are being asked to do for others.
YES! That makes me so happy that this is going to inspire you to start that blog! That’s my big hope here. I’m cheering for you!
This post is amazing!! I just started my blog two months ago and have kind of been winging it! I like the idea of planning blogs out 6 to 8 weeks in advance. I think that is one step I can take to help me feel like I have more of a direction! I’m so excited you started this blog!!
Thanks so much for your kind encouragement! I’m so glad that this post was helpful to you!
Hi sweet Crystal. I have been blogging for many years. My first blog was for family and friends. My second and current blog began after a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. I write to encourage others who are walking through difficult times. I struggle with staying consistent because I battle fatigue and my plate is quite full as I home school four children ages 6-12. God has surely called me to write and used you recently to remind me of it. I had been hearing the Lord calling me back to writing consistently and was dealing with a mind battle when I opened up my email and it was from you. It said something to the effect of, “Do not worry about the 3%”. I was dumbfounded when I read the email. I realized I had been holding back because of one person who had been criticizing my blog. I am thankful for your desire to mentor the rest of us who feel we are supposed to write! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Oh wow!! I’m so encouraged to know that that very heartfelt email encouraged you. I was honestly scared to write it and put it out there… so it blesses me to know that it inspired you!
🙂 You are a gift. Keep pursuing the dreams God has placed in your heart!
Aw, thank you so much!
Hi Crystal! I was wondering what you thought of link parties? Are they still a good way to network? If anyone else has a thought on them I’d love to hear as well! Thanks in advance.
I don’t use them anymore, but from what I’ve heard from others who do, they don’t get much traffic from them like they used to. I’d recommend well-written guest posts on blogs that would have audiences you’d want to reach and making sure that you have a great bio on your guest post that offers some kind of freebie that encourages people to click over, check out your site, and sign up for your email newsletter.
Thank you for this post! I can relate so much with Alyssa; being a new blogger myself. I don’t get to find a lot of information that help bloggers who are already doing it but are having difficulty getting their sites off the ground. The problem that I encountered is more of what factors to focus on. It could get confusing sometimes. That’s why this post has enlightened me especially on the areas of consistency and strategic focus. I love what you shared regarding experimentation overload and how to avoid it. Again, many thanks to you.
I’m so glad you found it helpful! Yay! That makes me so happy!
Thank you Crystal, for sharing your vast wealth of knowledge and experiences with all of us. As a soon to be blogger, your faith, wisdom and your honesty has helped out a great deal.
I’m so grateful! Thank you for your kind encouragement!
Thank you. Consistency is really not my strong suit:/ I have one blog in my native language but people kept encouraging me to go English, which I did. Since I’m starting anew I have zero readers and I have to build a community yet again which is discouraging and it leaves me feeling very unmotivated. I also feel like my creative side is completely dead because I’m always thinking about money (that I need to earn). Sorry for this rant.
I’m so sorry that you had to start over again! 🙁 I’m cheering for your success with your new blog!
This is a great article! Thanks for all the information. I started a literature blog at the beginning of this year and your posts have really inspired me to stay the course and not give up. Keep up the great work!
Thanks so much for your encouragement!
Hi, Crystal. I started my blog a month ago. I have been struggling with social media the most. I have a Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but I really didn’t feel comfortable sharing my life. My sister calls it stalking. LOL. I am an introvert trying to learn how to reach out. I love your blog. Money Saving Mom has been a real inspiration for the blog I started. I also have to work on consistency. Thanks for starting this website. I can’t wait to soak up all the tips and encouragement you have to offer.
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement! Your comment blessed me!
So excited about this site! Can’t thank you enough for creating it! I just jumped over from your awesome “Never Unfriended: Sweatpants Book Club” interview with Lisa-Jo to check out this amazing site! Just what I was looking for, as I contemplate whether blogging is for me! Crystal, your advice is so practical and down to earth… just the way I love it!
Prayers that this site is another huge success for you!
Oh yay! Welcome! I’m so glad to have you here!
Hi! I’m thinking of starting a new blog… What may be attracting is videos that are captioned – which I strongly believe can bring more viewers. Many people with hearing loss will benefit from having access to everything you can possibly give on your blog/vlog!! ❤
Thanks so much for the suggestion!
Thank you Crystal for starting this blog and your consistency over the years with MSM. It has been an invaluable asset in our home!
Thank you so much for your encouragement!
Love the advice about consistency. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom!
I’d add one thing to your advice to not over commit to a posting schedule. Pick a number that sounds reasonable (2/week, 1/week, whatever) and then cut it in half (1/week, 1/every other week). Still write as often as you had originally planned, but only publish at the slower rate. Once you get a surplus, you can decide if it’s time to up your schedule or not, but you will ease yourself into it and not feel the initial overwhelm shock. You’ll also then have posts on deck so when those “life happened” events cut into your writing time you can still have posts going live.
Such a great tip! Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi Crystal! I am new to your blogging site and community, and I just wanted to tell you that this is a fantastic and very motivating article. I am finishing building my website on WordPress (didn’t realize what a challenge that would be), and hope to start my blogging journey next week on my day off. One thing I agree with completely is consistency. So, my goal is to write at least 20 blog posts to start, and every week on my day off, I plan on writing at least 2 posts. This way, I will never fall off the face of the earth! I look forward to following you over the course of my blogging venture and reading all of the inspirational posts that you write on your blog. Thanks for being there for us new bloggers! Best, Dyana
Thanks SO much for your kind encouragement! And I’m cheering for you!
I’m really lost on the networking piece. My blog has zero traffic. I’m pinning others content on Pinterest and I’m in FB groups but it isn’t going anywhere. I have no clue what I would offer for anyone for a freebie because I can’t even get them to come to my site unless it’s a fellow blogger from FB who’s just scratching my back. I hope you’ll have some classes that are more in-depth on networking and in between bringing your blog up and monetizing!
YES! We have lots of classes planned on networking and ways to get more traffic to your blog! Stay tuned!
Thanks so much for this post. I’m going to implement all the steps. I have been doing research and about to finally start my blog. Your platform gives me confidence.
“Give to others what you need”…Oprah
Thank you Crystal for your efforts in teaching us.
I’m so grateful that it is giving you confidence — yay!
Thank you so much for yet another insightful, helpful and REAL post. I started my blogging journey a few months ago, and didn’t do a few things I should have, such as writing posts ahead (as one commenter omentioned) or planning posts out (which I’m trying to do now). I, too, have had issues with consistency and am working on changing that. The ideas for that suggested here are wonderful, and I appreciate them! My two biggest issues fall right in line with others – how to use social media, and how MUCH to use social media, as well as networking. There are so many different viewpoints on both of these issues that it is hard to know what to do. I can’t wait to read any upcoming posts you have on these issues because I know they will help me with my blog.
Thank you for this information. It has become a “go to” place for me to turn when I have questions or am not sure what to do. You truly are a blessing to those of us just starting out!
Thank you so much for your encouragement! I’m so grateful that you found the post helpful!
thank you for being a great blogging mentor. I needed this encouragement and advice. I’ve been blogging for a couple months now with a postcast as well and I’m wondering how to do get more people to read your info…
just getting started,
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement!
Great article and just the encouragement that I needed. Thanks!
I’m so glad it encouraged you!
You have been an inspiration to me for several years now. I have been mulling over the idea of blogging for a couple of years. I am very shy however I do have some things that I am passionate about and feel like I want to inspire other women in. I am taking steps toward starting a blog. I have a long way to go but want to thank you for sharing such great and helpful content!!
You are so welcome! Thank you so much for your kind encouragement!
Good suggestions Crystal. Perseverance certainly is a must. I’m struggling with the set up process. Trying to figure out how to work Bluehost and WORDPRESS.
You and me both… I intend on spending my 4th trying to get my site up. It is very confusing. I hope that you have yours up and running by now. Best of luck.
Thank you for this post, Crystal! I love that you are helping new bloggers with the experience you have gained over these past years. I have been a faithful reader of MSM for years and own (and have read) your book, Money Making Mom. I had a dream to start a blog to help parents encourage a love of reading in their kids. Following directions from you and a few others, I created a blog, and just this week have started promoting it on Facebook! I’m excited to see what happens, and look forward to using these resources you are sharing on Your Blogging Mentor. Thank you for your help!
Yay! And way to go!! I’m cheering for you!
Thank you for the wonderful post, Crystal! I am having a very hard time sticking to a posting schedule right now. Part of the problem is, I plan on writing about something and it just doesn’t go very well – or something comes up to write about, so I push other things back. I think part of this is I’m just getting my feet wet, and figuring out which things work for me…
Your second point is so helpful! I need to pick one or two things to stick with at a time. I am always wanting to add more topics. I have to fight the urge to blog about EVERYTHING, lol.
I’m so glad that this post inspired you! Thank you for your encouragement!
Thank you so much for all of this information. As a new blogger and new to MSM I am so appreciative of all the things I have learned from you thus far. You are a true inspiration to me and I hope and pray that you have continued success.
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement! I’m so grateful that you are finding helpful information and inspiration here! That is my hope!
Thanks for this post, Crystal. I’m at the beginning of my blogging career, like many of the above commenters. Came across you through serendipity and love what you are creaitng! Already I am a HUGE fan!
Aw, thank you so much for your kind encouragement!
I keep coming back to this post to help me focus on the the things I need to do *first* as I’m still very new to blogging. Your advice just seems to be a really common sense approach to building a blogging business, which is sooo refreshing in contrast to a lot of the (completely overwhelming) information out there!
Also, your “10 ways to Make $100 With Your Blog” cheat sheet was tremendously helpful to me. I’ve already started to monetize my blog in the past 2 days since getting your email and I didn’t even know that I could yet, so I’m pretty excited about that! Thanks again Crystal!
Yay! Yay! Yay! That makes me so happy! Thank you for your kind encouragement!
I love all the helpful information in this post and look forward to reading more. I blogged for 5 years when I was selling Stampin UP! and have been posting the past 4 1/2 years on facebook the crafts I sell on my fb page, and personal page. I decided to restart my blog and gave it a face lift yesterday and am hoping to build up readership. My dream is to be on a card making design team and blogging is part of that. Thanks for all of your tips and trips!
Yay! I love this! I’m cheering for you!
Crystal, wow what a fantastic, inspiring blog. I have been thinking about starting one up and you gave such good advice! Thanks?
Thank you so much for your encouragement!
Wow, this blog is exactly what I was looking for. I have been following your other site for years and believe in the principles you promote. I have recently started a blog and have been busy researching daily for the past few months.. I have signed up for a few programs ( probably paid too much) to try and learn what I can. I have to say, I watched your webinar and I loved it, I so appreciate you retelling your story and giving us new bloggers hope, Im excited to see what other programs and advice you have to offer,
Thank you
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement! It really blessed me!
Just getting started myself, I don’t know exactly what to add for Alyssa other than go for it and bring YOU and your unique touch to your blog. Perseverance, consistent posts, non-stop networking, bringing value to other bloggers, staying humble and grateful – these are the themes that are in my head as for how to be successful in the early weeks, months and years. I so appreciate what Crystal says here about how to show “giving” and “gratitude” toward other bloggers. What we appreciate appreciates!!!
This is so good! Thanks for sharing!