Are you hosting a giveaway on your blog and not sure how to get the word out? Read this for my top suggestions on how to best promote your blog giveaway!
When you’re working with a brand and they’re offering a giveaway to your readers, you want it to be as successful as possible!
Here are my best tips on promoting your blog giveaway:
1. Use your own photos of the product.
Any time I agree to a sponsored giveaway, I ask the brand to not only send the winner a product, but to also send me a product.
I do this to make sure the company is 100% legit and that they’ll definitely be able to deliver on the product — so that I can feel good about promoting it.
But I also do this so that I can take my own pictures to use in my blog post. Using your own photos of the product in the review/giveaway post gives it more of a personal connection for your readers.
They can see proof that you own the product, use the product, and like the product. They get a chance to see what the product actually looks like in real-life and not just as a stock image.
I almost always use my own photos in a giveaway, because it results in a lot more interest! (Here’s an example of how I used my own photos in this Rite Aid giveaway.)
2. Promote the giveaway on Facebook and Instagram using those photos.
Once you’ve taken your own photos, don’t forget to promote your giveaway on Facebook and Instagram using those same photos!
On Facebook, you can even try posting it a couple different ways — maybe as a single image post and then again as a multi-image post.
3. Show the product on video.
Another advantage of having the company send you the product is that you can do live video and show the product to your followers!
When people can see the product in real-time on video, they are much more likely to get excited about the product and want a chance to win it.
Be sure to do a FB Live video and an Instagram Story with the product.
4. Promote the giveaway in your email newsletter.
We’ve talked about this a lot in the past, but if you don’t have an email newsletter yet, you definitely should!
An email newsletter is so vital to the success of your business, because you don’t have to wait for your followers to come to you. You can send an email to their personal inbox and go to them!
Next time you’re hosting a giveaway, be sure to send out an email to your newsletter list to tell them about it!
Psst! If you need help setting up your newsletter, we have a course called Email List Setup 101 that will walk you through step-by-step how to set up your list with video tutorials.
5. Ask others to promote it for you.
If you have online friends and colleagues, ask if they’ll spread the word for you about your giveaway.
See if they’re willing to share your social media posts to help promote your giveaway to a broader audience.
And then next time they have a giveaway, maybe you could do the same for them in return!
6. Ask the brand to promote it for you.
It also can’t hurt to ask if the brand sponsoring the giveaway is willing to promote the giveaway on their social media channels and email newsletter.
You’d be surprised — a lot of times they’re happy to do this!
What other ideas do you have for promoting your blog giveaway? I’d love to hear in the comments below!
Great advice!
I hope to launch my site soon!