If you find yourself feeling uninspired and idea-less when it comes to getting content ideas flowing, here are 10 of my favorite strategies to keep my creative juices flowing:
1. Live Vibrantly {Offline}
A vibrant offline life will fuel your online creativity. Make sure you have a healthy balance of face-to-face interaction with friends, family fun {that you don’t blog or post on social media about}, and media-free time blocks in your day and week.
2. Read Voraciously
Writers and bloggers are constantly pouring out words to the world. If you don’t replenish your creativity supply, your well will soon run dry.
If you want to be a good writer, the best thing you can do is to immerse yourself in good writing. Surround yourself with well-written books by authors that inspire you to think, dream, and do.
3. Write Daily
I blog almost every single day. This might seem exhausting to some people, but honestly, I’ve found that I’m much more inspired and creative when I’m regularly exercising my writing muscles.
In fact, it seems the more I write, the more inspiration I have to write. When I was in the middle of writing my books, I felt like my brain was going to explode with all the post ideas coming to me everywhere I turned. There wasn’t time enough to write half of them, so I just had to tuck them away for later.
If you want to blog regularly, don’t wait until you’re feeling inspired to write… just write!
4. Capture Thoughts Immediately
If you’re anything like me, if you don’t write down your great ideas right away, you won’t remember them a few hours later. Because of this, I believe one of the biggest keys to never running out of blog post ideas is to capture those ideas immediately.
If I’m not at my computer, I’ll jot down ideas in a notebook or record a voice-to-text memo on my phone and send it to myself via email. If I’m at my computer, I’ll either put the ideas in the notes section of an all-day event on my Google Calendar or open up a post draft and just type out the thoughts swirling in my head and then save them as a draft.
5. Listen Intently
One the best ways to challenge your brain and have an never-ending stream of ideas and inspiration is to become a student of life. All of life can be a classroom — if we’re a willing learner.
Everyone — no matter who they are — can teach you something. And most people can teach you amazing things, if you’ll only but listen.
I’m not one who is usually short on words (I’m pretty sure my family would readily attest to that, too!), but when I am intentional about listening and asking good questions, I’m always amazed at how much I learn.
6. Build Community
If you want to build a successful blog, can I encourage you to stop focusing so much on building a platform and instead throw your efforts into creating a community?
Creating a community where your audience has a space to share their thoughts with you and one another can be an amazing source of inspiration for you as a blogger. Listen to your readers and find out what they want and need from you as a blogger. Then, be inspired to meet the need!
7. Experiment Regularly
When was the last time you did something new? Creativity breeds creativity, so if you’ve allowedyourself to become stuck in a rut that could be one of reasons you’re struggling with coming up with blogging ideas and inspiration.
Don’t be afraid to try something new with your content to mix things up and add a little fresh inspiration to your blog. You might be pleasantly surprised by your audience’s response.
8. Sleep Restfully
Burning the candle at both ends might seem like it’s allowing you to be more productive, but usually it’s a very ineffective way to live. When you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re not able to be at the top of your game. As a result, you’re often not as inspired or creative — especially when it comes to blogging.
Case in point, not too long ago, I went for almost a week with zero inspiration to blog. I’d sit down to write and I felt like I had nothing to say. I had a lot of things I wanted to write and many different post ideas, but no desire to actually write the posts.
This is very out of character and I began to wonder what was wrong with me. Was I depressed? Was I just plain out of inspiration? Did I need to get my levels checked at doctor? I ran through just about every possible issue in my brain for a few days trying to figure out what could be wrong with me — and I kept coming up dry.
Finally, one night I got a really good night’s rest. And guess what? The next morning I was all inspired to write again!
I wasn’t depressed nor was there anything medically wrong with me; I was just tired. Without really even realizing it, I’d fallen behind on sleep — and it had caught up with me and sucked all the inspiration from me.
Yes, sleep really does make a difference when it comes to blogging (and many other areas in life, too!)
9. Breathe Deeply
If you’re constantly giving, giving, giving out and never taking time to breathe and replenish your supply, you’ll soon run out of oxygen. This is why it’s so important to have white space in your life — and as a blogger.
What I mean by that is to give yourself room outside of blogging to just be and breathe and refresh. You’ll be astounded by how much more easily inspiration comes when you’re not too busy to receive it.
10. Give Generously
Want to know one of the best ways I’ve grown my blog? By promoting other people.
It might seem counterintuitive, but it’s not. When you live your life with outstretched arms, you are richly blessed in return.
You shouldn’t give so that you’ll get blessings — because otherwise it’s not true giving at all! — but I guarantee that you will lead a much more fulfilled and joyful life if you spend your life pouring it out for others.
So promote other people’s content regularly by considering allowing occasional guest posts, sharing other people’s posts on Facebook, or highlighting blog posts you loved in your own posts. This will not only provide more fodder for posts, but it will provide more variety in your content!
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What are YOUR best strategies for staying inspired as a writer?
I had to take a few months away from the blog, not completely away, but a step back. I still posted once/week, but I quit checking my stats and such. Now I’m finding my way back, and I love reading articles like these to keep me on track. Thanks!
You’re so welcome!
I agree wholeheartedly with #9. Recently, I decided to significantly increase the number of blog posts I write each month. While this did result in a nice jump in readership and subscribers, I quickly realized that it left me with very little “white space” in my life.
Now I’m back to posting only every 3 days, and it definitely makes a positive difference in balancing the priorities in my life.
Instead of upping the number of posts, I’m working on other areas such as enhancing my weekly newsletter and seeking guest bloggers.
I love this! Thank you so much for sharing!
I love the look of your new course, but I still have to complete 15 Days to a Healthier You that I purchased when on sale!!! I’m a little behind on that, but I need to get motivated!
You can do it!!
Thank you for the excellent ideas, Crystal. I love to read and need to make it more of a priority in my life.
You’re so welcome! Thank you for your encouragement!
This was great! I completely agree that we need to read to write. And what we read matters. I find that if I’m reading fiction, I really struggle with writing blog posts because even though beach reads can be fun, they aren’t reflective of the practical stuff I write about. Thanks for all the ideas to keep me writing!
It’s so good to figure out what inspires us!
The best I ever was at writing was in high school, specifically my first 2 years. I had the same english teacher both of those years and he was young and new to teaching. We had to write every day and he gave us topics that were so relatable to us, it made it easy to write about. Just like working out, if you do it everyday it isn’t a struggle to get through. Quite a few of those kids I had english with back then are professional writers today. Coincidentally, we read a lot too and had meaningful discussions about the books. This post was so good and really gives me a jumping point to get started.
Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you, Crystal, for being the example of #10 Give Generously! And reading #6 Build Community is a real game changer for me. As a procrastinating new blogger, this challenge convicted me to focus less on myself and the fear of failing and instead, focus on others and the joy of giving! Thank you girl!
Thanks so much for the encouragement! I’m cheering for you!
#8 is so true! My brain does not function on less than 8 hours of sleep 🙂
When you build community with your readers, how do you go about doing that? For instance, on Facebook, do you ask questions to get to know your audience? I recently listened to a Podcast and the guest said she liked to asked questions, such as what 3 books did you take recently on a girls getaway or what is your favorite margarita to have on Taco Tuesday? Thank you!!
Yes! I think it’s great to ask questions and welcome response in what you share! 🙂