In 2004, I started an online business. My long-term goal was to build something that would earn a part-time side income and allow me to stay home while my husband was in law school.
I never would have dreamed that 13 years later, I would be running a large blog, writing books, speaking to audiences around the country, and have a small team working for me.
Many times, people look at me and only see the accomplishments and success. What people don’t see is the hours, days, weeks, months, and years I worked very, very hard and saw little return on all my investment. They don’t see the many, many times I’ve come so close to shutting it all down from frustration and discouragement.
There have been some gloriously rewarding moments in the process, but there have been many more mundane and difficult seasons along the way.
But I believe one of the greatest reasons I’ve been successful is not because I’m really smart (I’m not — I struggled in many subjects in school!), or because I’m naturally techie, (oh goodness, it’s scary how pathetically non-techie I am!), or because I had a background in marketing (In reality, I didn’t go to college and I was a waitress and a violin teacher in my teen years).
The reason I’ve been successful is because I refuse to give up.
When my first few online business attempts didn’t work, I didn’t give up.
When I only sold a few copies of my first ebooks in the first few months, I didn’t give up.
When I about pulled my hair out over technical issues while trying to set up my first few blogs, I didn’t give up.
When the articles I submitted for publication were rejected, I didn’t give up. When other people told me I was crazy to pursue many of my ideas, I didn’t give up.
For the first few years, it really felt like I was spinning my wheels and making very little progress. But I kept researching, kept experimenting, kept networking, kept reading books, kept watching what other people were doing, kept asking questions of anyone who had any experience at all with running a business, and kept getting back up when I failed yet again.
And little bit by little bit, the hard work, the long hours, and the effort began to pay off. It didn’t feel like much return at all at first, but those little trickles of traffic eventually turned into a small stream that morphed into a river.
I don’t say all of this to hold myself up as someone who has arrived or has it altogether. Honestly, there are still many days when I feel like I’m so inadequate, I still fail regularly, and I still often have moments when I want to pull my hair out. Instead, I share this to encourage those of you who are struggling to start something right now.
Maybe you’re a few months (or a few years!) into a project or idea and it just feels like it’s not working or getting anywhere. Perhaps you set a goal or dreamed a big dream, went for it, and now it seems like it’s all crumbling right in front of you.
Whatever it is, wherever you’re at in life right now, I want to encourage you: don’t give up. You may need to change your plans, tweak your dreams, or alter your course. You might need to shelve the idea and start a new one. You may need to extend the deadline or revise your game plan. That’s all part of learning and growing.
But no matter what, don’t give up. Winners aren’t quitters. Keep going, keep pressing forward, keep learning, keep experimenting… and someday soon, you will start to see fruit from your effort
Perfect timing! This blogging gig is not an easy road. I love that you aren’t a quitter. I personally believe you’ve also had success because you’re authentic. My goal is to be true to me, but also to my readers.
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement! And for being a reader here!
Well said, April. Enjoying this new venture of yours, Crystal. Thanks for cheering on us “little people” who are just starting out 🙂
Thanks so much for your encouragement!
Thank you so much for this post. I’ve started and abandoned quite a few blog starts over the years, and have just restarted one a little over a week ago. It’s a daunting task to (re)start a dream that I had mostly given up on, so thank you for this encouragement. I think it’s exactly what every person wanting to build on a dream needs to hear.
I’m SO glad that it encouraged you! Yay!!
This is the perfect message! It’s so easy to get discouraged in blogging, but I know that it doesn’t matter if other’s find success quicker. I just tell myself to keep on producing high quality content that I would want to read and when my blog takes off I’ll have a solid foundation of great posts. I’ve also been dabbling in blogging since 2013, but I’ve never taken it seriously until now. 🙂
Yes, yes, and yes!!
I’ve been blogging since last November. I have “showed up” for the most part – posting regularly, commenting on others blogs, keeping up with Instagram and facebook, and I haven’t really made any progress (4-6 visitors per day). I know that I could do more, more of everything, but there are so many things to do…all the time. I think often about giving up. Who would notice anyway???…no one… I wonder if the hours and hours I’ve spent pouring myself out on the internet is worth it or should I invest those hours more into my family. The thing that has kept me going this long is I enjoy it. I feel like I’m a better person because of it. I believe in the things I write, and I want to live my life that way. If I could help other mothers love their life and have fulfillment, it would be a dream come true. So, I’m not giving up.
I just spent some time on your blog and I have to say, you are doing a GREAT job!
My encouragement to you would be to think about who you can reach out to to increase your audience… could you build a relationship with a few other new bloggers and help each other out by sharing each other’s links on your social media? Could you write some guest posts on sites with audiences that have an audience who would be interested in your message? Could you write for some homeschool newsletters or magazines or sites to get your name out there?
I just shared your morning routine post on my Facebook Page because I loved it so much! Keep up the great work!
I just wanted to let Jessica know that I shared her page on my Facebook page at I don’t have many followers yet but I loved her low tech goals chart and think others will too!
Oh! Thank you so much for sharing!
Hang in there Jessica! I’ve been blogging just slightly less time than you, but I do get a few hundred visitors a day, consistently starting probably after a month of setting up the website. I average about 5000 visitors a week and I’m always wondering how have I found so many visitors so quickly, especially since I’m still waiting to figure out what I’m supposed to be blogging about to jump out at me and give me focus. Do you have the Yoast plug in installed? I don’t know if it helps visitors find you, but it’s about making sure your SEO, readability, and focus keywords are good. Maybe that helps visitors find the blog. I’d say take the advice in this article and don’t give up and your audience will find you. Remember why you’re blogging. Good luck!
Thanks so much for this great advice here!
Jessica, I started my blog in November as well! Some times it feels so very overwhelming! I am having issues opening your site on my phone, but we will have our Internet back up and running tomorrow. I will be looking you up then! I can not wait to connect with you. My friend Lisa at Dreams and Caffeine and I have two Pinterest boards that you can join. I will also add you to my Feedly feed so that I can keep up with and share your work. If there is one thing that I have learned about blogging it is that a huge portion of it is about community! Thanks so much for sharing.
Crystal, that you so much for all you do to help us all. You are an inspiration!
Oh, this was perfectly timed! I have thought so much about hanging up my hat lately. “What people don’t see is the hours, days, weeks, months, and years I worked very, very hard and saw little return on all my investment.” <— this is me right now! I've been giving it all I've got and seeing so little coming from it. It just doesn't seem worth it sometimes. But every time I think about quitting, it just doesn't feel right.
Too often I read posts from bloggers who make thousands of dollars in their first months of blogging, and I think I must be doing something very wrong. But knowing that you went through the same experience, feelings, and thoughts is exactly the encouragement I needed. Thank you!
The beginning years are SO hard, but if you stick with it, it will be worth it!!
Thanks so much for writing this Crystal! I have been blogging for a few months and I have been really considering getting a job and putting my kids back in school (we homeschool). The $3.87 in my Amazon affiliates and .62 in Google Ad Sense is really bringing me down with all the work I pour into this business. Any time I am not homeschooling I am working on my business and getting very frustrated that there is so little return.
What is working or what’s something new you could experiment with? In the beginning years, I would wake up every day and try to come up with one new way to get a few new readers to my blog that day. I would just focus on the “few new readers” thing and that really helped me — and it kept me constantly experimenting and trying new things.
I’m cheering for you! Also, I just popped over to your blog and shared your Free Summer Activities post on my Facebook Page!
Thanks so much Crystal!
I think this is one of the hardest things. As a new blogger I don’t know how to get people to come to my blog. I don’t know how to get new subscribers. We know that we need them, but are not sure how to up those numbers. Lol, or maybe that is just me!
This is so timely. Ive been at it 4 months. I have around 2600-3000 pageviews per month and I will finally get $38 pay this June…for hours and hours of work. It can be discouraging because it’s slow growth. My biggest problem right now is honing my message. I feel like there’s nothing new under the sun, but I want to be purposeful in what I write as I have four little ones at home and homeschool. I started blogging because of these “fast” bloggers who went from nothing to full time income in no time at all, and sometimes I wonder what I’m missing. Anyways, I’m going to keep going because there are slow signs of progress and they say perseverance is the key (just like you said!). Thanks for writing.
I would say that the people who are making a full-time income in a year are not the norm at all. I had to work hard to be making $30 per month and that took me many months to work up to. So be encouraged! Your pageviews are GREAT and keep working on just growing a little bit at a time and it will add up to significant growth over time!
It is SO tempting to give up. I gave myself a year to give this new endeavor of blogging a try. My year will be up at the end of the summer. Most of my own family doesn’t read my blog and I just lost one who was subscribed after I announced that I was going to try posting more faith-based topics. My husband is gently encouraging me to give it up. I am usually an optimist, but some days (especially when a subject I thought would soar flopped instead) I just wonder if I should cut my loses and look to other ways to spend my time. I appreciate your encouragement. It does seem like the “big bloggers” have always had it all together.
It is always so hard to lose subscribers. If it encourages you, I lost about 100 followers on Instagram the other day just because of how I’ve changed what I’m posting there.
Also, many of my friends and family don’t read my blog. My husband doesn’t read it. So you’re in good company. I try to never expect anyone to read my blog — because I don’t want them to feel obligated to read it. I only want them to read it if they really want to!
Heidi – I realized that the beauty of the internet is the ability to find people who think like you and like what you have to say. A lot of my friends dont think the same way I do about what I’m writing about (parenting & education). I’ve found success with Pinterest and google for people finding my site who want to learn what I’m teaching. Social media can be fantastic for that.
Never Give up is my favorite Motto! My website broke this week and now my theme is all out of whack but I refuse to let that bother me. It may look a little weird but contents going up!
Thanks again for encouraging us!
Oh! I know how those tech issues can go!! You have such a great attitude about it!
I started my blog because of your course and encouragement. I’ve been thinking about it for several years but just now taking the plunge so thank you! I love what I’m writing about and feel that it makes me a better mom because I inspire…myself I guess!
Yay! Yay! Yay! I’m so proud of you!
I really like how you keep reminding us that the success story doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. If we continually show up and engage with even our small following we are helping others and gaining credibility. Thank you for the encouragement not to give up and to continue learning and implementing until we find what works!
Definitely perfect timing! Just this afternoon, I contemplated giving up (again). I love writing, but I despise tech issues, and they never go away! It seems like once I put out one fire, another one pops up. It’s so overwhelming. Thanks so much for the encouragement, Crystal! My husband and I are longing to be debt free, and working day and night toward our goals. You’ve been such an inspiration to us!
Girl! Please know that I’m right there with you with the tech issues. Just the other day I said, “Something is basically always broken!” 🙂
I am so excited for your Blogging University! I have followed you for years and have admired what you have done. I started a blog about a year ago and got very, very frustrated with the technical aspects. I even contacted one of the web designers you have listed on your blog to work with and even though they were busy, they were kind enough to refer me to another designer that has helped me with my banner/logo. I was off to a good start but when I couldn’t figure out the technical issues, I gave up but never quit thinking about it. I recently have started again and have more patience this time and I did purchase the course and have checked out books at the library. I am so excited to see the other courses when they are up on the site! I have had a lot of unfortunate events happen in my life and I want to help others learn how to cope when life gets hard and I want to share my story in a positive, honest way and empower women. I am not on social media yet as I am taking your advice and building content right now and learning how to work WordPress first. Thank you for all of your hard work and sharing your knowledge with us! It’s an honor to learn from the best.
I LOVE this! And congratulations on your blog! I’m cheering for you!
Wow, what great timing on this post. I just sent out a newsletter to my subscribers admitting to my most recent failure with this blogging gig (the one where I’m still not even close to earning what I want to) and how I’m trying to pick up the pieces and get past it. I refuse to give up too, my dream is worth the hard work. Thanks for continuing to inspire us on our blogging journeys!
I’m cheering for you! And way to be honest to your followers!
This is beautifully encouraging… for blogging and for life. Why do we keep going with any of our pursuits? Because we have hope- hope that our Father put in us. We have confident expectation that we are bringing help and joy to others. Even if only one person is uplifted by my blog, that is enough.
I heard a preacher say, “What we want to hear, when we get to Heaven is, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’, not ‘Well known’.”
Winston Churchill told his nation to never give up. He inspired others, during the darkest time of WWII. Crystal, now you are cheering others on while they are going through discouragement with their blogs. Thank you for shining your sweet light so brightly. ??
Crystal, your transparency is inspiring. Your story gives hope. ?? If any of your readers would like a prayer, when they are discouraged, I will try to attach one here-
Crystal, you have already helped so many people. May God truly bless you as you point others to the hope you have found.
You are amazingly encouraging! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this comment. It blessed me a great deal! And I loved getting to pop over and read your beautiful post, too!
I’ve been blogging for four and a half years. So many days I’ve wanted to chunk the entire thing. But, God was the One Who lead me to do what I do, and I’d never give up on Him. If He’s in it, He will see it through. You are right about starting again with something different. I didn’t change things completely, though. I’m adding courses to go along with my blog. That’s such a new and different animal! But, I love helping others develop a new skill that will help them in creating a home they love. If someone is in it only for the money, of course they’ll give up when the money doesn’t come. Thank you for your encouragement. You’ve been a wonderful example to me along the way, since 2015 – and you didn’t even know it. 🙂
Aw, you are too sweet! And you’re an inspiration!
I am so encouraged by you, and your Periscope videos (back when it first started) really inspired me to take the leap and start my blog. Now, about a year and a half in, I still don’t have many followers, but I feel better about my writing and think I’m continuing to improve in this area. I like the idea of doing a guest post on similar blogs, and I’m just now feeling confident enough to attempt this. Thanks so much, Crystal!
Yay!! I’m cheering for you!
Thanks so much, Crystal, for this encouraging reminder. I’ve been blogging for almost 5 years and have not achieved the kind of success I had hoped for. When I see people who are having almost instant success, it really makes me wonder what I’ve been doing wrong all these years. But I’m not giving up – I’m really focusing this year on doing things that will make a difference for my readers and increase my traffic and income. I feel like I’ll have to evaluate my efforts at some point and see if it makes sense to continue, but not until I’ve given it my all! Thanks again – have a great weekend.
I love that you are sticking with it, even when it hasn’t gone as well as you’d hoped. You’re and inspiration and I’m cheering for you! I just shared your post on what our kids need this summer on my Facebook Page.
Thank-you, Crystal. That’s all……..well, not really………too much spinning in my head to try to write out……….haha! So, just thank-You!!! 🙂
You are SO welcome!
Thanks, Crystal! I’ve been blogging for several years and am now on my second blog, but I still seem to get so few visitors. We’ve moved, so my new community is peaking interest a bit, which I’m thankful for. Just feeling stuck in a rut and trying to come up with new ideas. I’ll have to look around this site more!
I’ll definitely be sharing more ideas here and on instagram on how to find and get more followers. I know it’s something that many people struggle with.
I can identify with Ruth, regarding not knowing how to get more visitors. I will be very interested to read any posts that you share about how to bring more traffic and what to do to keep them! And thanks to Ruth for sharing about how she feels – makes me feel less alone!
Hey friend, I completely agree with this post. I’ve only been blogging for a little over six years, and making a full-time income for five, but boy it has been a journey. So many ups, and so many low places. I still have experts telling me I’m doing it wrong and I’m going to fail. I always get back to the fact that while I may not match many others, I’m still here.
So glad you started YBM. I’ll refer lots of ladies to it!! xoxo
Aw, thanks so much for your encouragement! I was JUST telling someone about you yesterday and talking about the incredible stuff you’re doing with your platform.
I am seriously on the verge of giving up my blog. But I do not really want to but I am wondering what is the point. I needed to read this today.
I’m so grateful that it encouraged you!
I’m reading your book “Say Goodbye to Survival Mode” and I was telling my husband, “She has incredible self-discipline!” You know how to plan, do the hard work, and delay the fun stuff (my house is a lot cleaner this week because of your book, by the way!). Thank you for being an example for us!
I’m so grateful that my book encouraged and inspired you! Yay!!
What would we do without you? Thank you SO much for these kind words of encouragement! Blogging is so overwhelming…..I’ve struggled with even getting started. Thanks for cheering us on, and giving us solid tips!
Many Thanks and Blessings!
Aw, I’m so glad that it encouraged you!
Thank you for this encouragement Crystal! I’m stepping out in more ways than one (blogging has been one of those ways) and I regularly need reminding not to give up! Everything worthwhile takes persistence I’ve found, so I know I need to just keep going with my blog and other pursuits.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Yes! Persistence pays off!!
Crystal, thank you for this great article. It is timely after a comment on my personal profile from a dear friend who says “It’s good to reach for the dreams, but you have to be realistic …”
This article isn’t about blogging success – it’s about success in life.
My theory: Work hard and get back up when you fall down. You don’t know what would happen if you held on a little longer or tried a little harder.
And to my pessimistic friend: It doesn’t hurt to shoot for the moon, you just might land among the stars and if nothing else, you have the satisfaction of knowing you tried your best.
Thank you so much for your encouragement and for being an inspiration!
Not giving up is the most important thing .Everywhere in life and specially in blogging .Try ,tweak,learn,rinse and repeat.That’s my goal.
I love this – simple and to the point – I think I may tape this up on my mirror!!
Thank you so much for sharing this. I have gotten discouraged lately, both with myself for not being as consistent as I want / need to be, and also with what I have read that seems to point to the fact I am not doing what I should do in order to succeed. I appreciate the information you share that shows reality and shows that we can make mistakes and still do okay as long as we keep trying. It is encouraging to me to even read the comments of those who visit your blog, who are facing some of the same issues I am, and who are not giving up. It gives me hope and makes me want to be a part of a group like that. There are a lot of things I don’t know – how to drive traffic to my blog, how to stay consistent, how to find followers, how to use social media – but I’m sure in continuing to read your timely and excellent information, I will soon learn these things so I can put them into practice and be a part of a growing blog!
I’m so grateful that the comments here have been encouraging to you! Yay!
Love this post! You are so encouraging! <3 Blogging is such hard work, as you know, and I've debated throwing in the towel many times but I just can't. I love what I do so much and am hopeful for what it may bring and I just pray I can hold on to this wild ride long enough to see all this work pay off. I've come too far to turn back now! Thank you for sharing your words of advice. You have made a difference to so many. <3
Yes! Hold on to this wild ride, keep experimenting, keep pushing forward, keep learning and growing, and it WILL pay off! I have full confidence! And I’m cheering for you!
Wow! Your story has really inspired me. I was almost giving up on my blog because I wasn’t seeing tangible results. But, now I know that patience pays and winners are not quitters. Thank you, Crytal!
Yay! I’m so glad that this encouraged you!
Just what my husband and I needed to hear.
You nailed it when you mentioned the hours, days, weeks working non-stop to see none or very little reward right away, Crystal! I had sleepless nights working and writing, promoting content, creating my first products, managing my first blog parties and I got so exhausted and hopeless many times but I didn’t give up!
One of these seasons was when I signed up for your live coaching course. Your taught us and inspired us so much with your humble and down to earth personality. You breathed life into so many bloggers during that course and we are so blessed to have you as a mentor!
Thank you for never giving up and for taking the time to mentor others like you do, always helping other small bloggers to grow.
You are a blessing!
Oh! I’m SO grateful! This blessed me to know that the live coaching course was so helpful to you! And thank you for your sweet encouragement!
Thank you so much for sharing this Crystal! I really needed to read this. ❤️
I launched my blog last year in June and I just celebrated my 1 yr of blogging. When I first started my blog a couple of months into it I found out I was expecting our third child and I had to back off from blogging because I wasn’t feeling well enough to blog. Months passed by and I didn’t add any new content to my blog. Before I decided to let it go I started to pray and seek God in what I could do to jump start my blog again before my precious little one would arrive. So after seeking out the Lord I felt lead to start a series called Intentional Life Series: Purposeful Living, Loving and Growing Moms which I invited other bloggers to guest post over at my blog about a topic they were passionate about. So from mid-Jan. until this month I had a guest post go live every Monday to keep my blog going. I couldn’t have done it without my blogging friends that took the time to be part of my series.
Now that the series is coming to a close I have all these ideas but no time to make it happen.
So I have decided to embrace the season I’m in and enjoy my children. They grow up way to fast!! I will just continue to move forward even if I’m taking small steps and just do the best I can at this time.
I love your heart and your desire to have your priorities in order! Way to go! And I’m doing a series over on the Your Blogging Mentor Instagram this week on finding time to blog in the middle of a busy schedule that might encourage you: