If you want to be a successful blogger, here are five qualities I believe you must possess:
1. Successful Bloggers are Marathoners, Not Sprinters
Anyone can be a successful blogger, but unless you’re already a celebrity, there’s no such thing as overnight blogging success. It takes hard work, sweat and more hard work. It may be a few months before you ever see a penny from your hours of labor invested into your blog.
2. Successful Bloggers Have Incredible Passion
If you don’t think you could write three posts per week for the next two years on your chosen blog topic, you need to choose a different topic or a different work-at-home idea. Successful blogging requires having intense passion for your subject!
3. Successful Bloggers are Self-Starters
It’s great to learn from others, but if you want to be spoon-fed, you won’t succeed. Roll up your sleeves, start digging and researching: read books on blogging, read articles on blogging, read blogs on blogging, watch bloggers who are successfully blogging, and do your own experimentation.
4. Successful Bloggers are Creative
In a market that is already saturated, fresh and unique voices and approaches are those that will stand head and shoulders above the rest. How are you going to be different from all the other bloggers in your niche?
5. Successful Bloggers are Consistent
Readers come back when they can count on you having regularly-updated content. It’s much better to post once per week every week, than to post five one week every few months.
What do YOU think are necessary traits of successful bloggers? I’d love to hear!
This is fantastic and I totally agree!
I’d also add that successful bloggers are resilient because set-backs will happen. Maybe a slow-income month, maybe a stretch of site down time, maybe an emergency outside of blogging that slows down those of us without assistants or a team of work support. I’ve experienced all three. But you get back up, dust your knees, and move on.
Thanks for sharing this – it’s good to tuck these reminders away for the tough days.
Oh! I love that! Thank you for sharing!
Amen to this! Resilience is a must!
You have been such an inspiration to me since around 2012 or even before. Life kind of got busy and now I’ve found you again. Thank you for blessing so many people in this world and making a difference. I’m excited about expanding my online presence via blogging and now, building websites for people! Blessings xoxoxox
p.s. I signed up to be an affiliate! YAY!
Yay!! Thanks so much for being an affiliate and a longtime follower!
#2 scares me. I have a few different topics I’d like to blog about, but I’m afraid that not keeping to one topic is “against the rules”, but I’m not sure I could sustain one topic.
I’m a working mom and I want to talk about home projects, “mom hacks” I’ve found that make life easier, craft projects and maybe some basic computing lessons for moms who have been out of the workforce for a while and need a refresher as they go back to work outside the home.
Do you think that’s an issue?
I think you can totally keep to a few related topics. I’m not a person who believes you need to have a super niche topic to be successful. But I do think it’s important that they are related.
I think, all traits are ‘must have’. Beyond this, as a Brahmakumari students, most important, bloggers should do meditation in the morning and before sleep for peace of mind and quality thoughts.
Thanks so much for sharing!
I’ve learned a few things from you already! Thank you for sharing your experiences! It sounds daunting to start a blog and to stay with it! But really, if you’re going to succeed at anything you put your heart and mind to, wouldn’t it take everything you’ve got to succeed no matter what the endeavor is? I think so! That’s what I’ve heard over and over from people that have something to show no matter what the field is. Success takes work! Lots of it! So as scary as it sounds, it just seems to make sense that blogging is worth the effort in this new cyber world! I’m thinking it’s a smart thing to do! You have so much good information and advice! Thank you!
“Success takes work!”
Yes, so true!
I echo the resiliency and determination. You don’t realize when you start that it might take more than a few months to see results. You have great successes and then sudden downturns. You have to be willing to try new things and think outside the box. You need to set your own goals and put blinders on sometimes to others huge success when you aren’t seeing as much success as you though you would. Also, keep in mind your time commitment. If you only have 10 hours a week and someone else has 30, it’s naturally going to take you longer to see results.
“If you only have 10 hours a week and someone else has 30, it’s naturally going to take you longer to see results.”
That’s such a good word to remember!
These are so excellent Crystal! I also say, top of the list I believe is just PERSEVERANCE; a faith in yourself to keep going. When you don’t get the shares, or the numbers, or you are feeling down, KEEP GOING! I truly believe that anyone who is consistent and persistent will be successful (even if you aren’t a good writer, it will come x)
Such a good word! Thank you for sharing!
Is there a way to email you directly about the online blogger course?
Shoot an email to [email protected]
Thank you!
Thank you, Crystal! Blogging is definitely not for the faint of heart. I 100% agree with #2. If you do not love what you are writing about, it would be so difficult to sustain…especially in the beginning stages when you aren’t getting anything (monetary) in return. Thanks for being our cheerleader!
Thanks so much for your encouraging words! I’m so loving being a cheerleader for other bloggers!
for a newbie like myself, this is super helpful. i have prayed many many hours/days/minutes about this journey & know that my heart is in the right place. being CREATIVE is a huge obstacle for me, as I am choosing to stay off of Facebook. i feel that God is leading me to market myself by word of mouth, by my post being killer content that others that they will share my posts, & lastly He is reminding me to be on this journey as a humble share’er of His word & leading in my life. all that I need is to be creative & find ways to get my site out there!
I love this! Thank you so much for sharing!
I just wanted to thank you first of all for encouraging me (as well as others) to start their own blogs. I have always wanted to do it and thanks to your encouragement and insight I have finally taken the leap! Last night I purchased my website and got to posting. It is so great to keep in mind that this is a marathon, not a sprint as I was getting frustrated trying to set everything up. Thank you for your wisdom and I look forward to any and all articles you post!
Yay! Yay! Yay! I’m SO proud of you!
Thank you 🙂
Related to tip #1, I find it helpful to keep a log of each new technique I’ve learned/trialed each month. For example: sponsored my first giveaway, posted my first Amazon ad, created my first freebie, etc. When I get discouraged about how long it seems to take to grow a blog, I can look at my list and see how much progress I’ve actually made!
That’s fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing that tip!